Taj has given his latest update in regards to the documentary in defence of Michael. You can read the full update below.
Update Jun 1st:
Contact Email—
After a recommendation from someone on twitter, we now have set up a contact email. This email should be used to send us important information/suggestions for the project. I, along with two others (who are working on the project), will be reading and responding back to your emails. Most of you have already emailed me in the past through gofundme or my professional email. Although I have read the majority of your emails and comments, responding back to nearly 300 messages is unfortunately impossible given my time. I do thank all of you for the words of encouragement I have received. My uncle was everything to me and I want to be as meticulous as he was in order to get the final truth out there.
Here is the email:
We now have a solid 20 names for the interviews. And I still have many more to ask.
I’m excited because each one will bring a unique MJ piece to this puzzle.
Last but not least, I want to thank all of you who posted on twitter under the hashtag
Not only did it trend big that day, but it showed that we still have the power to get the word and truth out there. And just like I thought, the mainstream media never even picked it up.
To date to Taj’s documentary please click here