The GoFundMe created by Michael’s nephew Taj Jackson has been steadily growing for almost four months now, and following requests for more information from fans Taj has promised to give weekly/regular updates on the status of his documentary.
Back in March, Taj informed the fan community that production had officially started weeks prior, welcomed any ideas from outside and that some “key people” we on board.
Please see below for the latest two updates:
May 1st
“First I want to thank all of you for your continued support and donations. Together we will cement my uncle Michael’s incredible legacy and the truth.
Please remember, this project is not in direct competition with any other pro Michael Jackson videos, documentaries or specials. Actually, the more the merrier.. And I welcome all of them.
From now on there will be weekly updates. This first one will obviously be much bigger than the next ones because there hasn’t been an update in awhile.
One of the most asked question is, have we started the project yet?
The short answer is Yes. However we are still in the “boring” part of production. And there is A LOT of pre-production.
Writing, Budgeting, Hiring, ROI (for possible investors), Researching. Paperwork…etc
The good news is we are almost at the end of this stage.
I didn’t want to actually start filming and then run out of money and not finish this. It’s too important. That is why we have been a little slower in the pre production phase.
More planning and smarter planning will save us lots of money and your donations will be better utilized.
Will this even be completed and will it be this year?
Definitely it will be completed, We have everything we need to shoot and edit this. (Equipment wise and personnel wise)
However licensing news clips, music, and personal/home videos will not be free or cheap.
Also we know that we can’t count on the media to promote any positive Michael stories. Thus, extra funds will go into online marketing and promotion.
So who’s involved?
I can’t share that list yet, but I can say that I am not doing this project alone. There are some really dedicated people on board. Helping me steer this ship. Also I can say that the amount of people who were very close to my uncle, who have volunteered to help and/or be interviewed is beyond even my expectations. This movie will do my uncle justice.
What is the tone? Is this a direct rebuttal to Leaving Neverland?
This is bigger than Leaving Neverland. This is about all the past lies and allegations that have unfairly plagued my uncle’s life while he was alive and infected his legacy even after his death. This movie is about answers, the facts, and the truth.
So where is the money going?
Have you heard of the saying: Fast,Good,Cheap – Pick any two
Well I am choosing Fast and Good.
I am still aiming to complete the movie this year if all goes according to plan. However I don’t want to sacrifice on the production quality and accuracy. Therefore things will cost more then if we took our time.
I want this to stand the test of time, like my uncle. I want this to be what people reference hundreds of years from now when they look up the legendary Michael Jackson.” 12th
“Here’s a quick update for this past week.
It’s May 12th and I feel really good about the forward momentum and also what’s going on behind the scenes.
Each day more and more people are realizing that Leaving Neverland is one big fat lie. I am also grateful that Madonna took a pro stance defending my uncle Michael. However there is still a lot to do.
This project, as I have stated many times before, will focus on and debunk the biggest lies and rumors that the media has been carelessly recycling for decades.
Good News:
Some major allies have offered their help and support. I am constantly amazed at and reminded of the love and support for my uncle that has come from all over the world.
Phone Chats:
I have had some very interesting and important phone conversations this last week. I have a couple more in upcoming days.
The more people I talk to, the more I am sure that my approach will be the right one.
I’ve also have been watching Documentary after Documentary on my free time. Some of them really good, some of them not.
One thing is for sure, this project has to be high quality and be at the standard my uncle would have demanded.
Last but not least, I have done a couple of camera tests this past week and have some more next week.
I truly appreciate you guys supporting my uncle and wanting to see justice.”
The campaign is holding strong at almost $150,000, please use the below link if you wish to donate.