In his declaration filed on April 30<sup>th</sup>, 2013, Wade Robson stated that his family visited Neverland for the first time in early 1990, and Michael Jackson started to molest him on the second night of their stay. The same was repeated by Robson in his amended complaint in May of 2013 and it was reasserted in Robson’s second amendment, filed on February 19, 2014. In this case, Robson described the alleged abuse in detail (which is blocked out) and also quoted what Jackson supposedly told him, word for word. In his third amended complaint, filed on December 16, 2014, Robson once again claimed the abuse started the second night and finally in the fourth amended complaint filed on September 9, 2016, Robson claimed that the abuse started the second night <strong>for the fifth time</strong>, and this time the details of how the alleged abuse occurred are revealed. If said abuse on the second night <strong>really</strong> had occurred, and Robson allegedly remembers the exact details <strong>nearly 30 years later</strong>, even <strong>quoting</strong> Jackson word for word, you would think he would still remember it on December 12, 2016, <strong>only a few months</strong> after describing it in his fourth amended complaint from September. But he did not: According to extracts read from Robson’s book draft at his deposition on December 12, 2016, Wade wrote that <strong>nothing</strong> sexual happened during the first <strong>two</strong> nights, and that the abuse started on the <strong>third</strong> night. When asked if that was how he still remembered the events, Robson confirmed that he didn’t remember <strong>anything</strong> out of the ordinary happening before the third night. In his book draft, Robson <strong>specifically</strong> wrote that on the first <strong>two</strong> nights Jackson was affectionate but in a totally innocent way. <blockquote><em>“Michael had already become quite affectionate with me over the first two days of our Neverland trip. I would curl up in his arms to go to sleep. He would kiss me on my head and tell me he loved me and I would tell him I loved him back; all seemingly innocent at the time.”</em></blockquote> Then, he said that the nights became “sexual” once his family left. <blockquote><em>“Now that Michael and I were all alone, the rest of my family far away in an RV at the Grand Canyon, the nights became a very different experience. No longer your ‘average’ kids sleepover.”</em> <em>“I believe the first night after my family had left, Michael began to fondle my penis over the top of my pajama pants.”</em></blockquote> It seems incredibly bizarre that such an event was <strong>completely forgotten</strong> after Robson claimed to remember Jackson’s words <strong>verbatim</strong>, even though he was only seven years old at the time of the alleged abuse. Robson claims Jackson told him: <blockquote><em>“We can never tell anyone what we are doing. People are ignorant and they would never understand that we love each other and this is how we show it. If anyone were to ever find out, OUR lives and careers would be over.”</em></blockquote> In his complaint, Robson <strong>repeatedly</strong> states that on the first night at Neverland Ranch, himself and his sister slept in the same bed, while on the second night she expressed concern about sleeping in the same bed with Jackson and went to sleep upstairs. However, Wade’s sister Chantal testified during the trial in 2005, that it was the other way around: she slept upstairs the <strong>first</strong> night and downstairs, in Jackson’s bed, the <strong>second</strong> night. <blockquote><em>“Michael and Wade slept downstairs and I slept upstairs on the first night.”</em></blockquote> And, far from expressing concern about sleeping in the same bed with Jackson the second night, Chantal testified that she slept in his bed because she became more comfortable with his <strong>friendship</strong>. Which is exact opposite of what Wade Robson currently claims. <blockquote><em>“</em><em>Didn’t you say you felt more comfortable the</em> <em>second night to Mr. Ross when you spoke to him a few</em> <em>days ago?</em><em>”</em> <em>“</em><em>Comfortable with my friendship with Michael,</em> <em>yes.</em><em>”</em> <em>“</em><em>And that next night, you slept in the same</em> <em>bed with Michael Jackson?</em><em>”</em> <em>“</em><em>I did.</em><em>”</em></blockquote> Chantal was under oath and had <strong>no</strong> reason to lie about this at all during the trial. Wade, on the other hand, had a reason to state that he remained alone with Jackson the second night so that he could claim that was when the abuse started. According to Robson’s allegation, it was an unspoken rule <strong>not</strong> to enter Michael Jackson’s room while he was there. In his complaint, Robson is trying to create the impression that Jackson would always <strong>make sure</strong> nobody could interrupt their activities while they were alone in his room by saying Jackson had alarm systems installed to prevent others from entering without his knowledge. Allegedly, audible alarms would go off in his bedroom once anyone began to enter the approximately 30-foot hallway that led to his room and Jackson would hang “do not disturb” signs on the bedroom door. However, this statement is contradicted by Robson’s own complaint, the moment he needs to explain how Blanca Francia was supposedly able to see him and Jackson in the shower together. Robson says that Francia had a key to Jackson’s room and could enter at any time. Francia has a history of presenting false stories about Michael Jackson in exchange from money from the media. Back in the Nineties, Francia had told Diane Dimond and other reporters that she had seen a naked Jackson taking showers and Jacuzzi baths with young boys. She also told Dimond that she had witnessed her own son in compromising positions with Jackson — an allegation that the grand juries apparently never found credible. A copy of Francia’s sworn testimony reveals that Hard Copy paid this woman $20,000. Under deposition by a Jackson attorney, Francia <strong>admitted</strong> she had never actually seen Jackson shower with anyone nor had she ever seen him naked with boys in his Jacuzzi. They always had their swimming trunks on, she acknowledged. Robson doesn’t seem to be able to make up his mind about the narrative: was Jackson an extremely careful and paranoid abuser… or a careless one who foolishly gave the key to his room to a maid who was allowed to enter at <strong>any time</strong>, even when Jackson allegedly was in the shower with Robson? Robson suggested that Jackson tried to protect himself with an alarm system, yet at the same time could <strong>not</strong> explain why Jackson molested him while his sister was sleeping in the same room. Wade’s sister Chantal stated that she slept in Jackson’s room four times: on the first weekend and a week later, after the family returned from a trip to the Grand Canyon. Robson claims, at least in one version of his story, that sexual abuse happened three of those four nights. In the beginning of this video you can even hear him say that there was no night that went by that he was with him, that he didn’t sexually abuse him. How would a person entering the hallway be a problem but not someone actually in the same room? And according to Robson’s own testimony in 2005, there were two specific nights he spent with Jackson where Macaulay Culkin was also present. Culkin, both in public interviews and under oath during the 2005 trial, has always claimed to have never seen anything improper going on between Michael Jackson and any kid. Yet, according to Wade Robson: <blockquote><em>“Now, did either one of you actually spend the night in Mr. Jackson’s bed with Mr. Jackson?”</em> <em>“No. I think -- from I can remember -- I can only remember one night in particular, and I remember myself and Kieran Culkin, I think, slept on Michael’s bed, and Michael slept on a cot, or something, on the side of us, and I don’t know, Macaulay fell asleep on a couch or something.”</em> <em>“The Century City apartment, I believe you said you spent some time there with Macaulay Culkin as well? “</em> <em>“Yeah. I think it was one night there, yeah.”</em></blockquote> The whole allegation becomes even more bizarre when Robson claims in his deposition that Jackson molested him each and every occasion whenever the two of them were together in a room. <ul> <li>In Robson’s own apartment, where there was no alarm system to protect Jackson.</li> <li>In Jackson’s trailer, during the shooting of a commercial</li> <li>In a separate room in the recording studio.</li> </ul> All while outside of all these places there were several people coming and going. Robson states he was abused every night while being at the Mirage Hotel with his mother sleeping <strong>in the same suite</strong> where no alarm would have protected Jackson. Eventually, the ‘do not disturb’ signs, the alarms and the unspoken rule that nobody could enter the room while Jackson and Robson were alone, suddenly seem to disappear from the narrative. As a matter of fact, Robson claims Jackson molested him even when his mother was in the same room and only a “thin blanket” was hiding the abuse. The unspoken rule that nobody could enter Michael Jackson's room while Robson was there was contradicted by Robson’s sister in her testimony. When she adamantly stated that she could go into Jackson’s room whenever she wanted to. The exact same thing was testified by Wade Robson’s mother. So, despite claiming that Jackson would always make sure he was alone with his victims and nobody could catch him, depositions and statements prove that the opposite was true: his family as well as some staff were free to enter at any time. Robson knows he cannot sue a deceased person, so he decided to sue Jackson’s companies – MJJ Production and MJJ Ventures – for monetary compensation for the alleged abuse. In order to have any chance to get financial compensation, Robson had to provide evidence that said companies facilitated the abuse. It is in this scenario that the alleged molestation at Jackson’s condo unravels. In order to involve Norma Staikos, Michael’s secretary, in his narrative, Wade Robson stated in his fourth amended complaint that, during his family’s first trip to the US, Norma arranged for his mother and sister to stay in a hotel so that 7-year-old Robson could be alone with Jackson in his condo. However, once again Robson’s version of events is contradicted by his own mother - twice. According to Joy Robson’s deposition on September 30, 2016, she and Wade’s sister, Chantal, also stayed in Jackson’s condo that night and slept in the living room. <blockquote><em>“Did you have a separate hotel room, as well, or you were…”</em> <em>“No. We just stayed there.”</em> <em>“And I think that you mentioned that you and Chantal would sleep in the same living room?”</em> <em>“Yes.”</em></blockquote> Joy Robson also testified the same exact version of the event -under oath- during Jackson’s trial in 2005. <blockquote><em>“And on a couple of those occasions, you actually were in the condo with them and you and your daughter, or you, slept on the floor; do you recall that?”</em> <em>“I think that was the first trip that my daughter and I slept on the floor. It wasn’t during that time.”</em> <em>“The first trip back in January?”</em> <em>“Yes.”</em></blockquote> There is no reason for Joy Robson to lie about this. However, there are reasons why Robson would: his goal is to create scenarios where Jackson, through the complicity of other parties involved, was given the opportunity to molest him. Clearly, Robson finds it difficult to keep his story consistent. He says that not a night went by where Jackson didn’t sexually abuse him. But there have been night where his mother, his sister Chantel or Macaulay Culkin were right there in the same room and he himself claimed he was never abused while someone else was in the same room. His mother Joy, his sister Chantel and Macaulay Culkin testified under oath back in 2005 that they have never seen any wrongdoing by Jackson towards a child, ever. Macauley, to this day, insists that he has never seen anything inappropriate. So where does that leave Robson’s claim that not a night went by where Jackson didn’t sexually abuse him? Do you believe that Wade Robson, who declared himself a ‘Master of Deception’ and who has been proven to have committed perjury to get around the statute of limitations, was abused by Jackson? Or do you believe not one, not two, but three eye witnesses who, in 2005, have testified under oath and under penalty of perjury that they have never seen any wrongdoing by Jackson, including Robson’s own mother and sister. Not to mention countless others who have been around Jackson while they were children and claimed that Jackson has never touched them inappropriately and that they have never seen anything like that happen with other children. Based on the evidence presented to you, which scenario do you think is more plausible?